O-Ring Material Comparison Guide

O-ring material selection is critically important for the success of your application. The o-ring material comparison chart below offers a quick reference of o-ring material performance.

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Popular O-Ring Material Comparison

The information on this page is to the best of our knowledge accurate and reliable. However, Marco Rubber makes no warranty, expressed or implied, that parts manufactured from this material will perform satisfactorily in the customer's application. It's the customer's responsibility to evaluate parts prior to use.

The temperature ranges presented on this page are approximations for dry air service only and should not be used to determine design specifications or end-use temperature limits. Actual temperature range of a compound in an end-use application is highly dependent on part type, hardware configuration, applied forces, chemical media, pressure and thermal cycling effects, and other factors. The most practical way of determining an end-use temperature range is testing in the actual application conditions. Consult a Marco Engineer for more details.

Selecting an O-Ring material for a specific application depends on many important criteria including:
Service Conditions (media to be sealed, temperature range, pressure/vacuum range, dynamic motion)
Design Attributes (component geometry, desired service life, installation considerations, tolerances)

This guide is intended for general reference use only.
The materials and compound numbers listed are the most commonly used.
There are numerous compound variations designed for specific applications.
For demanding applications, please provide all the details to our application engineers for a recommendation.

Markez® Next Generation FFKM Perfluoroelastomer

An Advanced Material For Chemically Resistant, High Pressure & High Temperature O-Rings.

Markez® FFKM delivers similar performance to major FFKM brands, with temperature resistance up to 625 °F, at a significantly lower cost.

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